Saturday, November 8, 2008


Hello INTI College !! Try to spot ninjas in this picture ( protip : >9000 ninjas there hidden )

This is INTI University College, Nilai. Guess what time it is? 2am? 3am? wrong ! its 10pm =X, holidays + weekends at INTI here has redefine night life at INTI itself, which is the selling point of this uni, say so in the adverts.

Of course, life is dull here as well, if you are those outdoor type , hardcore basketball , futsal, footie players, well, you are prolly gonna bang ur head against the wall everyday due to boredom, or maybe its a great time to train your l337 shooting skillz without interruption from ur annoying lansi act pro teammates. Or, you can turn nerd like me, which entertainment is measured by KB/s ( kilobytes per second mind you, not kilobits -> google it up if u aren't a nerd and can't differentiate it ) or a dotard whose idea of entertainment is logging into Garena (tm) and pawning useless noobs and be proud of it, not to mention enjoying a lagless lan alike game on Garena due to the heavenly speed currently of EBB connection.

Looky here, 42 ping ! Rawr !

Don't look at me like that, at least I know how to enjoy myself in the midst of the boring life in INTI Nilai =)

Oh, its Surf and Play tiem nao =D

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