Thursday, February 14, 2008


To mr.B:
First and foremost, I don`t believe much in any Gods, I was born and raised in a Buddist family, but I don`t go to temple much either, I believe that God exist somewhere within ourselves, and that is our consience. So back to the point, your hypothesis or rather a conclusion that you forced upon others, that by don`t believe in God, you must be immoral, is rather biased in the touch, ok, i admit i am immoral compared to others, true, i done alot of sinful things in my life,  but watching pornography material isn`t one of them, I am not touching on other things, but rather on the subject on watching pornography, watching pornography is a complete natural thing for all human being, as its the natural lust in them that follow suit soon after reaching puberty, and thus by that, this lust saves all beings from extinction, including you, since i don`t believe that your parents have sex just merely to have children ( roll eyes )

Ok, since you insist watching porn is immoral, then don`t watch la, nobody ask and force on you either, and since we are still on it, why you are so excited everytime we mentioned about some beautiful girl? and why u still ask simon and wz to open porn everytime u visit their room? and don`t get me started on your wallpaper. Bah! Hypocrite...

and to the topic of morality, even though I am not a believer in God, but I don`t steal, rape, rob or do anything endangering the society, thats fine with me and the society too

p/s : No, I am not here to preach about God, just merely expressing my feelings, and i don`t give a damn about other people belief either and no offense to whom who find it offensive

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